Monday, August 26, 2013

Deck of Cards Anniversary Book

Bear with me if you've already seen this post (on my old blog, Always Write 2012). I am slowly but surely trying to transfer all of my DIY projects to THIS blog so people don't keep finding by crafts on my OLD blog. I want them reading over here!

Last fall, I joined a website called Pinterest. I was skeptical at first, but I have gotten some of the best craft ideas from there, not to mention all the delicious recipes I find! If you haven't heard of it, CHECK IT OUT now! :)

Anyhow, while browsing, I found an amazing idea for an anniversary gift for Dan. We celebrated three years of dating on February 25th, 2012, so I realize this post is long overdue (as in... a year and a half overdue -- oops!). My apologies.

Basically, I wrote out 52 reasons why I love Dan (similar to the fishbowl gift I made for him for our one year anniversary, but this one's more compact!) and put one on each card to complete an entire deck. I used the Joker cards for the front and back covers, and I think it turned out really cute. Dan LOVED this gift, and I had fun making it. I wouldn't advise using the jewels I did, though, as they made it larger and unable to close -- oops!

And what would a blog post be without pictures?

I started by punching two holes in each card and them assembling the deck with binder rings.

I made even strips of cardstock to glue on each card...

small pieces of cardstock for each card! 

I wrote one reason why I love Dan on each piece of cardstock

...and then I glued one to each card!

I painted matte Mod-Podge over each one to make sure they stay on the cards...

I let them dry on paper towels, but next time I would use something that wouldn't get stuck to the cards. I had to peel it off afterward.

I hot-glued two charms to each card.

all put together...

the cover

the back cover..

so pretty :) 

inside the box I gave it to him in :)

scrapbooking paper on a shoe box! Someone forgot to buy a gift bag.. ;)

All ready to give to Dan! :) 

If you ever have any creative ideas, let me know. I am always looking for new things to make to give as gifts and to blog about!