Thursday, July 25, 2013

Maid of Honor Craft: Asking With a Bottle of Wine

Bear with me if you've already seen this post (on my old blog, Always Write 2012). I am slowly but surely trying to transfer all of my DIY projects to THIS blog so people don't keep finding by crafts on my OLD blog. I want them reading over here!

When I went home to Kansas City for Thanksgiving break in 2011 (about four months after getting engaged), I had one major goal: ask my best friend since Kindergarten, Megan, to be my Maid of Honor. Megan and I have known each other since we were six years old, so let's face it: I wanted to make it special. I found an amazing idea on Pinterest, and the way I decided to ask her came about.

I bought a bottle of my absolutely favorite wine that is made in Manitou Springs, CO and cannot be purchased anywhere else. It's called Summer Sunset by D'Vine Wine, and it is a sweet grapefruit wine. Delicious. Then, I made a cover with a poem on it that asked Megan to be my Maid of Honor. Of course, I used the colors we plan to use in our wedding. I thought it turned out really cute, and when I gave it to her at dinner at Jack Stack on the Plaza, she of course said: YES!

I wanted to share the pictures of the wine bottle craft I made:

How did YOU ask your bridesmaids to be in your wedding?
What is YOUR favorite wine? 

Also, this week I am participating in my first blog hop, which I am pretty excited about! Check it out here: 

Her & Nicole